Saturday, February 26, 2011

Keep your Cool during Entrance Exams

Your college entrance exam may be one of the most important exams you will ever take in your life. With all the importance placed on a good college education these days it's no wonder some of us feel overwhelmed when we step into that testing center, no matter how hard we've reviewed! Here are three tips to help you overcome your nerves if you feel yourself panicking before the big test.

1) Take a Walk
If time permits before the test, try to take a short brisk walk to release any nervous energy. People sometimes try to do this by pacing back and forth but the repetitive motion can sometimes just ingrain the stress more deeply in your mind. Instead try to take a walk around the testing center, under the open sky if possible and try to take in your surroundings to get your mind off your nerves. Just remember not to get lost!

2) Breathe Deep
When we're stressed we tend to tense our muscles and hyperventilate. Beyond possibly continuing into an escalating cycle of panic, this can lead to something called Carbon dioxide washout. Too little CO2 in our system makes you light-headed, tingly and can lead to fainting. Try to take deep slow breaths.

3) Smile
Research has shown that the physical act of smiling can actually improve your outlook. The activation of muscles used to form particular facial expressions sends signals to your brain that affect your mood. Scowling and wrinkling up your brow just darkens your mood further while smiling, despite the worries and the stress can alter your outlook on the situation and help you see things in a more positive light.

In the end, whether we manage to completely regain our cool or not, we just have to be confident in our abilities and the time and effort we've put into study and the quality of your review sessions. 

What are your tips for beating stress?

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